MKC 2014


About images:

The images in the galleries are lo-res, suitable for sharing on Facebook or other screens. If you need images for brochures, just drag & drop the "large" image to your desktop and send it to me with your bib #, and specific information about how you are going to use it.

If you want an image for a sponsor, let me know so we can choose the best images and I can do a careful job of "touching them up" for you.
Have your sponsor get in touch with me directly, so I am clear on what their preferences and requirements are.

A NOTE OF CAUTION: If you share an image with others and then want to use it for a sponsorship, "difficulties" may ensue. We also have no way of knowing who is sharing pictures from these galleries, so I may have held back a few "commercial quality" images for your private use.

The images in your gallery are free for your personal use. IF you find that they have been useful to you, a small donation to cover expenses would be appreciated.

If you wish:

Wednesday AM

practice (no bibs)





Event images

by Bib #





Awards Ceremony